The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Indeed, those who walk are in ranks ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 382 من الجزء Two

Then know that the travellers, whom we have mentioned, are in ranks: among them is the traveler from it to it, and among them is the traveler from it to it, in it, and among them is the traveler from it, to it, in it, and among them is the traveler from it, neither in it nor to it, and among them is the traveler to it, neither from it, nor in it, and among them is the traveler, neither from it, nor to it, nor in it, and it is described. By behavior and that he is traveling, and among them is the traveler without traveling, and among them is the traveler who is traveling, and it is in the chapter that follows this chapter. Every traveler is a traveler, and every traveler is not a traveler, as we will mention, God willing, after this chapter in the chapter on the traveler. The types of behavior are many, and we have mentioned only a few of them. As for the one who travels from him to him, he is the one who is moving. And as for the one who seeks to Him from Him in Him, then He is th


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