The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 338 من الجزء Two

The first thing I remember regarding the descriptions of lovers is what Yunus bin Yahya bin Abi Al-Hasan Al-Hashemi Al-Abbasi Al-Qassar told us in Mecca, towards the Yemeni corner of the Holy Kaaba in the year five hundred and ninety-nine. He said: Ibn Abdul Baqi informed us, Ahmad bin Ahmad informed us, Ahmad bin Abdullah informed us. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Jaafar told us, Abu Bakr al-Dinawari the interpreter told us in the year two hundred and eighty-eight, Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Shamshatti told us, he said, I heard Dhul-Nun saying that God has servants whose hearts He filled with the purity of His pure love and whose souls were filled with longing to see Him. So Glory be to Him whose souls long for Him and whose understanding is closest to Him and whose understanding is described to Him. Glory be to their chests, Glory be to them, their successor, their comforter, and the healer of their ailments. My God, their bodies were humbled to you, and to your increase their hands


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