No one leaves the remembrance except those who witness it*** and no one who does not remember it witnesses it

I was confused about my matter and in it, so where is *** the right between them in kind so I prefer it

As soon as I mentioned you, knowledge appeared for me *** so when I see it At the time, He conceals it.

So I continue to witness it with conditions *** and I still remember it with breaths

And the notables still bear witness to me *** And with the names he still appears

" lang="en-GB" /> No one leaves the remembrance except those who witness it*** and no one who does not remember it witnesses it

I was confused about my matter and in it, so where is *** the right between them in kind so I prefer it

As soon as I mentioned you, knowledge appeared for me *** so when I see it At the time, He conceals it.

So I continue to witness it with conditions *** and I still remember it with breaths

And the notables still bear witness to me *** And with the names he still appears

"> ( Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three on Knowing the Status of Abandoning Remembrance )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three on Knowing the Status of Abandoning Remembrance )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 229 من الجزء Two

No one leaves the remembrance except those who witness it*** and no one who does not remember it witnesses it

I was confused about my matter and in it, so where is *** the right between them in kind so I prefer it

As soon as I mentioned you, knowledge appeared for me *** so when I see it At the time, He conceals it.

So I continue to witness it with conditions *** and I still remember it with breaths

And the notables still bear witness to me *** And with the names he still appears


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