He who is never free from his needs *** How can liberation be achieved when needs demand it ?

He is poor in terms of all things. *** Poverty is his doctrine and poverty is his gain.

Therefore it is called the essence of the entity for us *** so that its doctrine is specified in the spoken word.

There is no freedom in the universe where He seeks us from every angle, and from Him we seek Him .

" lang="en-GB" /> He who is never free from his needs *** How can liberation be achieved when needs demand it ?

He is poor in terms of all things. *** Poverty is his doctrine and poverty is his gain.

Therefore it is called the essence of the entity for us *** so that its doctrine is specified in the spoken word.

There is no freedom in the universe where He seeks us from every angle, and from Him we seek Him .

"> ( Chapter one hundred and forty-one on the status of abandoning freedom )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter one hundred and forty-one on the status of abandoning freedom )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 227 من الجزء Two

He who is never free from his needs *** How can liberation be achieved when needs demand it ?

He is poor in terms of all things. *** Poverty is his doctrine and poverty is his gain.

Therefore it is called the essence of the entity for us *** so that its doctrine is specified in the spoken word.

There is no freedom in the universe where He seeks us from every angle, and from Him we seek Him .


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