Oh, you who laugh in the image of crying *** You are among us the complainer and complainer

Fasting is abstaining without raising oneself *** and raising oneself without holding it

They may be together according to those who *** prove monotheism by involving others in it

Minds were caught at their perils *** without ropes and snares

Hunted Minds from their interpretations *** strictly according to the law, so they submitted to what was rejected by their proof

and they believed without realizing *** the star of guidance sailed through them, sailing

Between possessions and ruins *** If it were not for you, my soul, I would not have existed <" lang="en-GB" /> Oh, you who laugh in the image of crying *** You are among us the complainer and complainer

Fasting is abstaining without raising oneself *** and raising oneself without holding it

They may be together according to those who *** prove monotheism by involving others in it

Minds were caught at their perils *** without ropes and snares

Hunted Minds from their interpretations *** strictly according to the law, so they submitted to what was rejected by their proof

and they believed without realizing *** the star of guidance sailed through them, sailing

Between possessions and ruins *** If it were not for you, my soul, I would not have existed <"> ( Chapter seventy-one on the secrets of fasting )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter seventy-one on the secrets of fasting )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 601 من الجزء One

Oh, you who laugh in the image of crying *** You are among us the complainer and complainer

Fasting is abstaining without raising oneself *** and raising oneself without holding it

They may be together according to those who *** prove monotheism by involving others in it

Minds were caught at their perils *** without ropes and snares

Hunted Minds from their interpretations *** strictly according to the law, so they submitted to what was rejected by their proof

and they believed without realizing *** the star of guidance sailed through them, sailing

Between possessions and ruins *** If it were not for you, my soul, I would not have existed <


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