The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Imagination is like an isthmus, neither existing nor non-existent, neither known nor unknown ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 304 من الجزء One

Imagination does not exist, nor does it exist, nor is it known, nor is it unknown, nor is it negated, nor is it affirmed, just as a person perceives his image in a mirror, knowing with certainty that he perceived his image with a face, and knowing with certainty that he did not perceive his image with a face, because of the accuracy he sees in it, if the body of the mirror is small and he knows that his image is larger than... Which he saw in a way that does not converge, and if the body of the mirror is large, then he sees his image extremely large and is certain that his image is smaller than what he saw, and he cannot deny that he saw his image, and he knows that his image is not in the mirror, nor is it between him and the mirror, nor is it the reflection of the rays of Basra into the image visible in it from outside. Whether it was his image or something else, because if it were like that, he would have perceived the image as it is and what it is, and by seeing it in the swor


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