And young men who are honest and have no boredom *** they have a foothold in every virtue and honor

Their conditions are divided among those who sit with them *** They are between reverence for a people and mercy

And if a suitable person comes, they will prefer him with their kindness *** And do not join the young men in that case with regret

They have the secrets of knowledge, every ritual *** and what is marked with them as a sesame seed.

Like the son of a cruel man and those who were before him *** And whoever is among them is among those whom God knows best

Thus he gained the lead in every arena * ** They do not answer the foolish with the word “mah”

And young men who are honest and have no boredom *** they have a foothold in every virtue and honor

Their conditions are divided among those who sit with them *** They are between reverence for a people and mercy

And if a suitable person comes, they will prefer him with their kindness *** And do not join the young men in that case with regret

They have the secrets of knowledge, every ritual *** and what is marked with them as a sesame seed.

Like the son of a cruel man and those who were before him *** And whoever is among them is among those whom God knows best

Thus he gained the lead in every arena * ** They do not answer the foolish with the word “mah”

( Chapter Forty-Two: Knowing the fatwa and young men, their ranks, classes, and the secrets of their leaders )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter Forty-Two: Knowing the fatwa and young men, their ranks, classes, and the secrets of their leaders )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 241 من الجزء One

And young men who are honest and have no boredom *** they have a foothold in every virtue and honor

Their conditions are divided among those who sit with them *** They are between reverence for a people and mercy

And if a suitable person comes, they will prefer him with their kindness *** And do not join the young men in that case with regret

They have the secrets of knowledge, every ritual *** and what is marked with them as a sesame seed.

Like the son of a cruel man and those who were before him *** And whoever is among them is among those whom God knows best

Thus he gained the lead in every arena * ** They do not answer the foolish with the word “mah”


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