The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ Riders in Seville ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 206 من الجزء One

From this class I met a group in Seville from Andalusia, including Abu Yahya Al-Sanhaji, the blind man, who lived in the Al-Zubaidi Mosque. I accompanied him until he died and was buried on a high, windy mountain in the east. For all the people, it was difficult for them to rise from the mountain due to its height and the large number of winds, so God calmed the wind, so it did not blow from the time we put it on. The mountain and the people started digging his grave and cutting its stone until we finished it and showed him in his garden and left. When we left, the wind blew as usual, and the people were amazed at that, and among them were also Saleh al-Barbari, Abu Abdullah al-Sharafi, and Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf al-Shabarbli. As for Saleh, he spent forty years in peace and stayed in Seville at the Al-Ratand Mosque for forty years. As for Abu Abdullah Al-Sharafi, he was a pioneer who remained for about fifty years. He did not light a lamp in his house. I saw wonders of it. As for Abu


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