Houses of praise and boasting *** Houses that have no end

Do not seek praise in highness *** The praises of the people in the earth It is

Whoever makes his soul thirsty for jihad *** drinks from the sweetest water

We say that it is not praise for a servant to be characterized by the characteristics of his master. It is bad manners, and the master has the right to be characterized by the descriptions of his servant in humility, so the master has the right to descend, be" lang="en-GB" /> Houses of praise and boasting *** Houses that have no end

Do not seek praise in highness *** The praises of the people in the earth It is

Whoever makes his soul thirsty for jihad *** drinks from the sweetest water

We say that it is not praise for a servant to be characterized by the characteristics of his master. It is bad manners, and the master has the right to be characterized by the descriptions of his servant in humility, so the master has the right to descend, be"> [ Praise House ]

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Praise House ]

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 173 من الجزء One

The house of praise has the house of conquest, the opening of the two secrets, and the first house of keys, and we have a part in it that we call the keys to the unseen, and the house of wonders, and the house of harnessing the souls of the barzakh, and the house of the upper spirits, and we have our opinion regarding some of its meanings from the systems.

Houses of praise and boasting *** Houses that have no end

Do not seek praise in highness *** The praises of the people in the earth It is

Whoever makes his soul thirsty for jihad *** drinks from the sweetest water

We say that it is not praise for a servant to be characterized by the characteristics of his master. It is bad manners, and the master has the right to be characterized by the descriptions of his servant in humility, so the master has the right to descend, be


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