The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ What is the meaning of the saying: Most High or lowest ?]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 409 من الجزء Four

And from that, what is the meaning of the Almighty’s saying “or nearer” from Chapter 41 and < He said: “There is no nearness closer than the two bows except one whose nearness is nearness to it by the jugular vein, which is general nearness. And whoever knows this closeness is one of those who are close and knows the secret of the truth in its existence and its existence in exaltation,” and He said. But if he is one of those who are close to him, then he will be happy because of the comfort he is in, as he has seen it as the Eye of all things, and comfort when he has seen it as the Eye of the provision that Yahya will receive, as Sahl said, and when he was asked about sustenance, he said, “God is a Garden of Bliss, that is, a covering that he alone enjoys, when he knew that everyone has his own.” God Almighty is like this scene, and these are the ones who are in gardens and rivers, in a seat of truth with an all-powerful Angel, because everything they cared about was affected for


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