Tell me, tell me, investigate * ** And they knocked at the source of my path

So if you are as I told you *** then know that you did not pass

Tell me, tell me, investigate * ** And they knocked at the source of my path

So if you are as I told you *** then know that you did not pass

[ The science of petrification in literature with Siraj Al-Munir ]

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ The science of petrification in literature with Siraj Al-Munir ]

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 397 من الجزء Four

Among that is the science of concretization in etiquette with Al-Siraj Al-Munir from Chapter 343. If the surahs are dictated and the verses are recited, then listen and pay attention, perhaps you will have mercy with understanding and then return, so know. Returning is that you know. If you delve into it, its meanings are forbidden to you, so stay at home, prepare your death, think about your death, and lower your voice, for the honorable are honorable. They do not like to raise their voice when speaking, because speaking loudly is an appearance, and they are people of concealment and the unseen, even though they are light. Is their concealment due to the intensity of their appearance, or is it to lower their veil?

Tell me, tell me, investigate * ** And they knocked at the source of my path

So if you are as I told you *** then know that you did not pass


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