Misery or happiness, so know the path*** and choose a companion to be saved from the" lang="en-GB" /> Misery or happiness, so know the path*** and choose a companion to be saved from the"> [ Baset Qasit ]

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Baset Qasit ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 375 من الجزء Four

And from that one is the one who is just, from Chapter 226. The one who is just and the one who is equal in relying on what the principles give him, for every one of them is inclined, is just, and therefore the one who is equal is called unjust, or if the just person does not have a different characteristic, then the characteristic is the same. So how then did he forbid the benefit that the dawn is of the one who has two eyes when he guided him to the two aids and the one who is responsible was established in The middle one, some of them were just, and some of them were just, so the just one took the right hand and rose to two highs, and the one who was just took the left hand and went down to Sijin, so he did not treat each one except his way, and his way did not deviate from the rule of achieving it, so the path was smooth and led him either to

Misery or happiness, so know the path*** and choose a companion to be saved from the


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