Did you not know that God is one of us*** who sees us and that existence is for us a witness

We must be modest, so he does not see us *** as he forbade us and we are his witnesses

And this is one of the most amazing things to me *** so he commands us and does what he wants

He tells me to be upright and wants a violation from me that is supported by existence

In me People, listen to what I said about the one who *** is the master and we are his slaves

He wants the command, not the one commanded, so look *** at the ruling for which the newborn turns gray

" lang="en-GB" /> Did you not know that God is one of us*** who sees us and that existence is for us a witness

We must be modest, so he does not see us *** as he forbade us and we are his witnesses

And this is one of the most amazing things to me *** so he commands us and does what he wants

He tells me to be upright and wants a violation from me that is supported by existence

In me People, listen to what I said about the one who *** is the master and we are his slaves

He wants the command, not the one commanded, so look *** at the ruling for which the newborn turns gray

"> ( Chapter Five Hundred and Seventh, on knowing the condition of Qutb. His status was the Almighty’s saying: Did he not know that God sees? )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter Five Hundred and Seventh, on knowing the condition of Qutb. His status was the Almighty’s saying: Did he not know that God sees? )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 145 من الجزء Four

Did you not know that God is one of us*** who sees us and that existence is for us a witness

We must be modest, so he does not see us *** as he forbade us and we are his witnesses

And this is one of the most amazing things to me *** so he commands us and does what he wants

He tells me to be upright and wants a violation from me that is supported by existence

In me People, listen to what I said about the one who *** is the master and we are his slaves

He wants the command, not the one commanded, so look *** at the ruling for which the newborn turns gray


(... Another Random Quote)

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Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!