The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

As for the companions of the young people, namely the Mardans and the people of innovations, who brought about the praiseworthy improvement in the religion that the Lawgiver approved of us, the knowledgeable person looks at the Mardans in that it is smooth and has no growth on its sides, like a smooth rock. For the corrupted earth is the one in which there is no vegetation, so he mentioned it in the position of abstraction and that he made a covenant with his Lord from And the Sharia has taken this into account in Al-Mutarrif. The closer it is to the creation, the closer it is in significance, the greater its sanctity, and the greater the reasons for mercy towards it than the great one who is far from this position. As for their being juveniles in this sense because they are new to their Lord, and in their company their youth is remembered so that His ancestry may be distinguished by it, then this is a valid consideration and a connecting path. It was one of the events of the Sunn

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As for women, the knowledgeable people look at them and take attachment from them. The knowledgeable people’s longing for them is the yearning of each for its part, like the longing of homes for its inhabitants in which they have their life. And because the place in the man from which the woman was extracted, God preserves it by inclining toward her, so his longing for the woman is the yearning of the old and his longing for the young. As for taking attachment from them He takes it from them for them just as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, took it when he commanded them to give alms, because he strives to save them when he saw that they were most of the people of Hell, so he felt pity for them wherever they were from him, as it is a person’s pity for himself, and because they are the place of formation for the image of perfection, so loving them is an obligation and an example of it, peace be upon him. < /p

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers

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As for the murids who are under the rule of the sheikhs, they are by virtue of their sheikhs among them. If they are true sheikhs presented by God, then they are the most advisable people to worship God, and if they are not, then they and their followers should be embarrassed by God, because God has set the legitimate scale in the world by which the actions of the servants are weighed, and the sheikhs ask. Their actions are not to be imitated unless they are commanded to do so in specific actions. God Almighty said, “So ask the people of the Remembrance, and they are the people of the Qur’an, the people of God and His elite, and the people of the Qur’an are those who act upon it, and it is the criterion that we said, and one should not imitate the actions of anyone other than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for people’s conditions differ, and it may be Whatever is right for one person will spoil the other if he does it. And the scholars who fear God ar

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Every believer, and every claimant on the path of God, if he is not one of the people of divine revelation, existence, and speech, and who does not extinguish the light of his knowledge and the light of his piety, must avoid every matter that leads to the heart being occupied with other than God, for it is a temptation against him, and he must let his mind prevail over it. Rather, he seeks to sever the familiar, abandon the natural good, and what human nature inclines, and avoid places of accusation and the company of innovators in religion unless God permits it, and they are juveniles. Likewise, the morning of the faces of the Mardan is sitting with women and taking companionship, for hearts tend toward everyone who does good to them, and nature seeks them, and the divine power to repel them. Psychological desires, what are they ?

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