The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The levels of giving are many and countless *** and with them we seek victory against our enemies

With goodness, our existence becomes true in our eyes *** Rather, we are in fact a manifestation of it

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About generosity, the origin of existence, and generosity with the opening of the gym, abundant rain, and it is inverted and found, such as jadhb and jaddab, so their letters are the same in common in meaning, so generosity is related to the truth in the objects that are the manifestations, its appearance in them, and generosity is related to the manifestations on the apparent, what they brought forth upon it by their intrinsic readiness. From praising the divine names whose goodness earned him their existence, generosity from the truth is intrinsic gratitude, and generosity from objects is intrinsic, not gratitude. This is the difference between the two generosities, and this is the meaning of their saying about generosity: it is giving before asking.

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As for the giving of generosity, it is the giving after asking, and it is of two types: a question in the adverb and a question in the article. The question of the adverb is about revelation from both parties, and the question of the article from the servant is known. O Lord, O Lord, give me, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, provide for me, compel me, pardon me, pardon me, do not disgrace me. Do not be tempted and the like of that, and ask the truth. Call upon Me. Perform the prayer for My remembrance. Establish the weight with justice. And do not lose weight in the balance, for you will not be among the ignorant. And every imaginary request from the Truth requires it from His servants, and these are all the obligatory duties. For it is generosity that the obligatory duties are performed, and from generosity the voluntary acts are performed except for an example. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for it is a type of generosity It i

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It was mentioned in the hadith of Abu Bakr al-Naqqash in the situations of the Resurrection that the name of the Generous is given to God and it is mentioned in this book in the chapter on Paradise from Him. As for the giving of generosity, it is giving in accordance with the need, and that is the giving of wisdom, for it is from His name, the Wise, so the generosity of truth is the saying of Moses, our Lord. He is the One who gave everything His creation, and everything is with Him in a measure. And if God had extended the provision to His servants, they would have transgressed in the land. But He sends down in measure what He wills, and We do not send it down except in measure. It is known, and as for the servant’s generosity, he gives every rightful person his due, and he is fair to him. His soul has a right to him, his family has a right to him, and his eye has a right to him. And his visitation has a right over him.

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As for altruism, it does not have a true characteristic except in a far-fetched way in mentioning it as bad manners. Rather, it is a reality, so abandoning it is better, and only those who have no knowledge or manners from the superstitious people go to it. Let us say that altruism may be giving to a needy person, or it may be... On the essence and with the division or the illusion of the division. As for the aspect of right, it is giving him the essence of existence to create an accident from the accidents so that the will can reason by creating it, not by finding the place. Thus, the object exists as a consequence of necessity, since one of the conditions for the existence of the accident is the existence of the place, and the essence is in need of me. The one who created the accident in it gave him the right, since it does not have existence. Unless there is some accident, and whether the essence is biased or not biased and composed with others or not composed, the

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We mentioned this in the chapter on zakat, and here it gives charity to the servant by keeping his eye in existence and by creating it first, with the knowledge that if he creates it, he will claim divinity and say, “I am your Lord, the Most High,” and it must be created due to what was previously mentioned in knowledge and charity from the servant on The truth is that the servant finds in himself the glory of the form, and yet he acknowledges his worship to the glory of God, and it is also what appears from the newly created praises that are not valid for God except after the existence of the created one, which is everything other than God. Rather, it is called charity because the chosen servant is in the praises of God in himself, for God Almighty said in his right. When the path to his happiness is made clear to him, whether he is thankful or ungrateful, then he has a choice in his actions, and for this reason it is permissible for him to accept or reject, and he is

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The gift of connection

As for the gift of connection, it belongs to those with kinship in right and character

God Almighty says, “The womb is a burden from the Most Merciful. Whoever joins it, God will connect him, and whoever breaks it, God will separate him.”

So its attribution to the truth is its attribution to the servant. The Most Merciful is a mercy to us, and we are a mercy to the Most Merciful .

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