The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The soul, since not everyone feels that, so if the knower begins to describe the faults of the souls in the case of every group of those who hold ranks, such as the Sultan and the faults related to his rank, the judge, and all the governors, and the faults of the souls of the ascetics, the righteous, and the common people, then he recognizes each group’s faults after they were hidden from them. This is their share of Hamza and lisping

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And among them are the immoral ones, the breakers, the corruptors, the immoral ones, who deviate from the qualities that prevent them from happiness and closeness to God. They break God’s covenant after he has made it covenant, and that is because they covenant with God to obey Him. So when they attain the position of closeness and unveiling, they see that God is the One who works with them, and God created you and what you do. They saw that they had no power, neither action nor word, so they broke God’s covenant by returning it to Him, Glory be to Him, because that was not concluded except with an actor who did it, and they saw a witness that God was the one who did it, so the covenant in the same matter did not occur except from God between God and Himself, so they knew that the veil blinded them from this realization. While he took the covenant and that the covenant is only binding on the people of the veil, then their covenant was broken, and deeds take place from them by God

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And among them are the lost ones, who are lost and bewildered by the majesty and greatness of God. Whenever they want to be at home, a knowledge of Him opens up for them, which confuses them and worries them. They remain bewildered, and they are not controlled by it in what they can dwell with. Rather, their minds are confused. These are the lost ones who are confused by the manifestation in the various forms.

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And among them are the misguided. God Almighty said, “And I do not take the misguided as a support.” He means those who showed to their learned followers the path of confusion in God and the inability to know Him, and that in His Hand is the kingdom of all things, despite the fact that He addressed His servants with action and He is the one who works with them, not them. So when they alerted the people to what it requires. The majesty of God from absoluteness and lack of restriction. They were misguided, that is, they were bewildered, for the reason that they bewildered the creation in the majesty of God. God Almighty said, “We did not make them bewilderment, a support for them in their bewilderment. Rather, I am the bewilderment of them in reality, not them, despite the fact that they have the reward for what they intended. And the proof that I am bewilderment is not them, nor did I take them as a support.” There are some people who accept them, and some people who do not accept

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And among them are the liars, and they are the ones who say, “We prayed, and we heard, and we obeyed,” and it was said to them, “We heard, and we obeyed,” and other things that they claim are righteous deeds commanded by the Sharia, and they know that matters are in the hands of God, and that if it were not for God, God would not have performed the work on their hands. Be in this place what was, and yet they add it to themselves, so they are liars in this respect, and this applies to all other deeds .

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And among them are the liars, which is the group that sees these claimants in their deeds, some of whom see them as our deeds, and some of them who see them as being from God, but they claim them while they are liars, so this group disbelieves them in their claim and their adding that to them, so they are said to be liars. And the perfect one is he who adds the deeds to the extent that the Truth added them and removes them from adding to the above. To the extent that the truth has removed it from his knowledge of the situation, whoever lacks this consideration and the claimants lie in every situation, has lacked this etiquette, despite the fact that he is majestic in destiny. This deficiency is expressed by woe in his right, which is generally for liars, for he will say on the Day of Resurrection if he sees what he missed in his denial of the situations that he was He should have decided to add the work to them, but he did not do so. Woe to us, why did I not even consider this ?

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