The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If you say, “What are the additions?” we say “increases to faith in the unseen and certainty,” and they have specific men whom we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. They are certain. They are ten people, neither adding nor subtracting, except that there may be women among them whose name and designation exist .

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If you say, “What is the name and the designation,” we say, “The drawing is an adjective that occurs in eternity with what happened in eternity, and the name that governs the state of the servant in time is one of the divine names at the time of connection .

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If you say, “What is reading?” we said, “The signatures of the Almighty Truth are for those who know, beginning with a question from them about what relates to the events of the universe,” and I say about it.

The signature came out safe for me * ** And beware of wild desires

Time passes and nothing of it *** is achieved by the hands

So work with me and do not mix with anyone but me *** My business is different from my business

Do not be deceived by my servant The second one *** For I am the second, not the second.

Whoever continues to belittle me *** desires to see me or to see the one who saw me.

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> And I am closer to him than he is to him *** so let the rule of place be removed f

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If you say, “What is freedom?” we say establishing the rights of servitude to God Almighty. He is free from everything other than God for the sake of divine jealousy, for God is jealous, and from His jealousy He forbids immoral acts .

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If you say, “What is jealousy?” we said that it is applied in the way with three meanings: jealousy for the truth to transgress the limits, jealousy is applied to the concealment of secrets and secrets, and jealousy for the truth is its grudge against its guardians, and they are grudges, people of determination .

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If you say, “What is inspiration?” we say that it is applied in relation to the heart’s deprivation of semen, in relation to the desire’s initial sincerity, and in relation to the gathering of aspirations with the purity of inspiration that is among the people of exile.

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If you say, “What is estrangement?” we say: separation from the homeland in seeking what is intended, estrangement from the situation from the reality of influence over it, and estrangement from the truth from astonishment from knowledge of the ruling of clashing .

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If you say, “What is deception?” we say, “The return of blessings with transgression, and we have seen it in people, and the maintenance of the situation with bad manners, which is prevalent among the people of Iraq. And only Abu Al-Saud bin Al-Shibl, the master of his time, and the manifestation of signs and blessings without command or limit, and in our view, are breaches of customs.” There are no karamats unless the speaker intends to speak blessings, but they prevent those who know from such awe

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If you say, “What is empowerment?” We said, according to us, it is mastery in formation, and according to the community, it is the state of the people of arrival, and we modified it to what we said, according to the Almighty’s saying: “Every day is in a matter,” and the group modified it to the Almighty’s saying, “Indeed, God withholds the heavens and the earth lest they pass away.” This verse also supports us in what we went to. Empowerment in coloring is first .

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If you say, “What is the coloring,” we say, “The servant’s mobility in his conditions,” and according to most, it is an incomplete position, but according to us, it is the most complete of positions, because it is the place of imitation of what is desired for a human being, and its cause is attack.

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If you say, “What is a valley,” we say what suddenly comes to the heart from the unseen, for a moment, either causing joy or joy, but even though it is a valley, it must be preceded by a glimmering thing .

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