The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Compassion, tenderness, tranquility, reverence, descent, and humility, and about them this verse was revealed, and about the servants of the Most Gracious, who walk on the earth with humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, “Peace.” And about them, this verse was also revealed about the kindness of the Muhammadiyah, which extends to them from him, because he was given comprehensive words, and he brought them to them. Their Messenger, and God Almighty said: And those who restrain anger and those who pardon people, and among them and their hearts is fear, and among them are those who are humble in their prayers, and among them and the voices are humbled to the Most Merciful, and this type of letters is also the one in which we say that it is of kindness for what we have mentioned. This is among the meanings that We call it the world of the unseen and kindness” and the other part It is called the world of martyrdom and oppression. It is each of the worlds of the

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The benefit of numbers for us on our path, through which our happiness is completed, is that if the investigator and the disciple takes a letter from these, he adds the small juzm to the large juzm, such as adding to the qāf, which is a hundred with the big one and one with the small one, and he makes the number of the small juzm, which is from one to nine, permanent, and returns it to itself. If it is one, which is the letter alif in the Jazmān, and the Qāf, Shin, and Yā’ in our case and in others, replace the lexicalized Shin Gīn with the small Jazmān, then that one makes the letter Alif required of it by whatever Jazmān. If the alīf is even to the Tā’, which are the simple numbers, then it is shared between the big and small in the Jazmān, insofar as it is for the Jazmān. The small one returns it to you, and insofar as it is for the large juzm, it is returned to the required entries for you, so you ask in the alif, which is the one, the ten ya’, the stop of the hundred, and the

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