The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His actions are based on such things. As for the one who performs good deeds, he is the one who initiates the matter before the time for prayer begins, so that he is on alert and prepared. If the time comes, he is prepared to perform the obligation of the time. There is no obstacle preventing him from doing so, such as the one who performs ablution before the time for prayer begins, and the one who sits in the mosque before the time for prayer begins, so if the time begins, he is On purity and in the mosque, he hastens to perform his obligatory prayer, which is prayer. Likewise, if he has money, he pays his zakat and specifies it on the night of the end of the year and pays it to its Lord in the first hour of the second year to the worker who is responsible for it. Likewise, in all righteous deeds, he hastens to do them, as

he said. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked Bilal, “Why did you precede me in Paradise?” Bilal said, “I have never performed a

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And know that God Almighty has described a group of women and men with characteristics that I will mention, God willing, since time was never without men and women living up to this description, such as His saying, “The Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient and the righteous.” Rat women and the humble men and humble women and the charitable men and charitable women and the fasting men and fasting women and those who memorize Their private parts, and the women who guard them, and those who remember God often, both male and female. Then he said, “God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.” So God prepared forgiveness for them before the sin occurred, for which He has destined His care. This indicates that they are among the servants whom sins do not harm, and it was mentioned in the Sahih from the divine report, “Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven

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Those upon whom God has bestowed blessings, of the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous. Likewise, God Almighty said, “The repentant and worshipers.” We have mentioned the servants. Then He said, “The praiseworthy,” the tourists and tourists in this nation, “Jihad.” And God Almighty said regarding His friend, “Indeed, Abraham had a permissible burden.” Yam, it is necessary to mention the weak and the forbearing, and he said about it, “Larim, Awah, and Repentant,” so he praised him by proxy and said. In him, he is a repentant! So, mentioning Him with repentance, for these types must be mentioned in this chapter so that the listener may understand this attribute and the status of this person described by it. Likewise, the people of light, the people of dreams, the people of understanding, and the people of sight, for God has not described them with these descriptions in vain, and those who are characterized by these descriptions, the truth has demanded from them what t

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Among them, may God be pleased with them, are the saints. The Almighty said, “Indeed, the guardians of God have no fear, nor do they grieve at all.” He did not say about the Hereafter. The guardian is the one who has clear knowledge from his Lord about his condition, and knows what is his for him through the news of the truth, in the manner in which belief in Him occurs, and his good tidings are truth, and his words are true. His truthfulness and wisdom are decisive, so it is decisive. What is meant by a guardian is one who has received good news from God, as God Almighty said to them: “Giving them good news in the life of this world and in the hereafter. There is no altering the words of God. That is the great victory.” This The verse: Then the people of the state are divided into many categories, for it is more general, so you have comprehensive knowledge, so we will mention its people among the people, God willing, and they are the types that we mention, in addition to what was

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