The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Among them, may God be pleased with them, are the Sufis, and there is no number to limit them. Rather, they are many and few, and they are people of noble morals. It is said that whoever surpasses you in morals, superior to you in Sufism. Their position is to gather in one heart. They dropped the three Ya’s, so they do not say to me, nor to my possessions, that is, they do not add anything to themselves. That is, they have no ownership other than the creation of God, so they are equal to what is in their hands with everything other than God, while what is in the hands of creation is given to the creation. They do not ask for them in this position, and this class is the one who appears to be violating the customs out of choice on their part, in order to establish evidence of belief in the religion and its validity in cases of necessity, and we have seen it. Such as this from this group in a debate with a philosopher, and some of them do that because it has become a habit for them l

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And among them, may God be pleased with them, are the servants, and they are the ones who fulfill the obligatory prayers in particular. God Almighty said, praising them. And they were Our worshippers, but they only performed the obligatory prayers. Among them are those who are isolated by the mountains, the coasts, the coasts, and the depths of the valleys, and they are called tourists. And among them are those who stay at home and perform congregational prayers, and are busy with themselves. And among them are those who have a reason, and among them are those who abandon the reason, and they are righteous. The apparent and the hidden have been protected from rancor, envy, covetousness, and reprehensible evil, and they have turned all of these descriptions to praiseworthy directions, and they have no scent of divine knowledge and secrets, knowledge of the kingdom, and understanding of God in His signs when they are recited, except that the reward is witnessed for them, and the Res

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