The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

We have previously discussed what is meant by tawaf and prayer in the Tawaf al-Qudum, except that it did not warn us to take the place of Abraham as a place of prayer so that we may attain what he attained in terms of respect according to what our situation gives him. God commanded us to take it as a place of prayer and warned us of what we interpreted as the attribute of praying upon the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

So he said to us, “Say, ‘O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and the believers and his family as you blessed Abraham.’

And nothing was specific to him except his character. When we prayed for it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, God answered our prayer for him.” Let us take a hand with him in this matter, so God blesses us ten times on his behalf for that, so the Almighty on behalf of his Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, granted the reward out of concern for him, peace be u

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Know, may God grant you success between us, that I am writing these words in the position of Ibrahim Al-Khalil, peace be upon him, and his position, peace be upon him, is the Almighty’s saying about him, and Abraham is the one who fulfilled because he fulfilled what he saw of slaughtering his son. It took me a year, and if someone from the spirits, the spirits of the highest assembly, said to me about God Almighty, “enter the position of Abraham.” And that is that he was the most forbearing and forbearing. Then he recited, “Indeed, Abraham was the most forbearing and forbearing.” So I knew that God Almighty must give me the power to be forbearing, since there is no One who is forbearing without being able to control those for whom he dreams. And I knew that God Almighty would surely test me with words in my honor from people so I would deal with them. With the ability to dream about them and cause a lot of harm, he came with the structure of exaggeration, which is fa’il, and then

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Also from the position of Abraham is that he was a nation obedient to God, upright and not of the polytheists, grateful for the blessings he chose and guided to a straight path, absolutizing polytheism, pardoned and reprehensible in what was attributed to him of his saying about the planet, “This is my Lord.” And also from the position of Abraham, peace be upon him, is that he was given the proof for His people By the monotheism of God and that he is thankful for His blessings, he chose him, so he is chosen and guided, that is, he guided him by what he showed him to a straight path, which is the path of the Lord, which was mentioned in Hud’s saying, “Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path.” And also from his position, peace be upon him, is that he was a Hanif, inclining in all his circumstances from God to God without conscious observation or observation. And from himself to God about the command of God and his preference for God’s side according to the position in which he resides

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