The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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In this chapter until we complete it inside the book, God Almighty willing, and I will mention in this chapter after this completion the letters that are hot and humid, and that is because an orbit other than the orbit that we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter revolved around them. Know that heat and humidity are natural life, so if they had For you, as for its sisters in the mixture, the cycle of that sphere would have ended and its authority would have been removed, as appears in the incidental life, and it would have ceased to exist or be transferred, and its reality dictates that if it does not cease, it does not have a sphere, and for this reason the Almighty Creator informed us that the Hereafter is the living and that everything glorifies His praise, so the sphere of eternal life has become eternal life. It extends it and it does not have an orbit, so its cycle ends. Eternal life is intrinsic to the living and cannot have an end. Eternal life caused by eternal life

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A souls cannot be seen, since their life is intrinsic to them, there is no death in them at all, and since life in bodies is accidental, death and annihilation take place in it. The apparent life of the body is an effect of the life of the soul, like the light of the sun that is on the earth from the sun. If the sun sets, its light follows it, and the earth remains dark. Likewise, if the soul departs from the body to the world from which it came, the life spreading from it in the living body follows it, and the body remains in the form of an inanimate object in the eye’s view, so it is said that so-and-so died and the truth is said, “He has returned to his origin. From it We created you, and to it We will return you, and from it We will bring you forth another time.” Likewise, the spirit also returned to its origin until Resurrection and resurrection come from the spirit, a manifestation of the body through the path of love, so its parts are healed and its organs are composed with

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And know that there are wonders in the mixing of these principles, for heat and cold are two opposites, so they do not mix, and if they do not mix, there is nothing about them, and likewise humidity and dryness, but the opposite is mixed with the opposite of the other opposite, so only four are ever generated from them, because they are four, and for this reason two are opposites of two, so if it were not If it were like this, the composition of it would be more than what its facts give, and it is not correct for the composition to be more than four principles, for the four are the origins of number, so the three that are in the four with the four are seven, and the two that are in the four with these seven are nine, and the one that is in the four with these nineteen, and add whatever you want after that. You will not find a number that gives you this except four, just as you will not find a complete number except six because it contains half, a sixth, and a third. So heat and dr

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Realities are of two types .

Facts that exist as single items in the mind, such as life, knowledge, speech, and senses, and facts that exist through the existence of structure, such as the sky, the world, man, and stone. If you say, “What is the reason that brought these discordant mothers together until what emerged from their mixing emerged?” Here is a strange secret and a difficult complex that is forbidden. He revealed it because it is unbearable to carry it because the mind does not understand it, but the revelation bears witness to it. So let us be silent about it and perhaps we will refer to it from afar in places in my book. This is for the discerning researcher to pay attention to it, but I say that the Chosen One, Glory be to Him, wanted to compose it because He preceded in His knowledge the creation of the world, and that it is the origin of most of it, or its origin, if you will. So He composed it and did not It did not exist in its essence, but He created it as a

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