The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The spheres revolved around it in His kingdom *** between mute sleep and awakening

The names noticed her from within her ***, so she seemed to cherish that words

And she says, “If it were not for the overflow of my being, it would not appear *** when speaking. The facts of words.

Know, may God help us and you, that since existence is absolute without restriction, it includes the accountable person, who is the Truth, the Most High, and the accountable people, who are the Knower, and the letters are inclusive of what we have mentioned. We wanted to explain the status of the accountable person among these letters among the accountable people from an accurate and verified point of view that does not change according to the people of revelation if they stumble upon it, and it is Extracted from the simples from which these letters were co

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Its rank is ten spheres, which are the rest of the letters of the dictionary, and that is eighteen letters, each letter of which is composed of ten, just as each letter of those letters is related to nine spheres, and some to eight and seven, and nothing else, as we mentioned. So the number of spheres from which these letters were found, which are the simple ones that we mentioned, is two hundred. There are sixty-one spheres. As for the seventh level, the Z and L are lower than the Alif, and their nature is heat and dryness.

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The nature of the Alif is heat, humidity, dryness, and cold. It returns hot with the hot, with the wet it is humid, with the cold it is cold, and with the dry it is dry according to the worlds surrounding it.

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In decimal rank, its letters are hot and dry, except for the neglected ha and the dictionary kha, which are cold and dry, otherwise the ha and hamza, which are cold and wet. So the number of spheres, by whose movement heat is created, is two hundred spheres, and three spheres, and the number of spheres, by whose movement there is dryness, is two hundred spheres, and forty-one spheres, and the number of spheres, by whose movement there is cold, is five. Sixty spheres, and the number of spheres, from whose movement moisture is created, is twenty-seven spheres, with the intermingling and interpenetration that is in them, according to what we mentioned above. Seven spheres, from whose movement the first four elements are created, from which the letter alif is created in particular, and one hundred and ninety-six spheres, from whose motion there is heat and dryness in particular, for which nothing else exists at all. And among these spheres there are the letters Ba, Jim, Dal, Waw, Zai, Ta,

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