The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They would not have done, and if they had known from their place, they would not have moved, but they were obscured by the preemption of facts from the origin of the Creator’s truth with which God created the earth and the paths. So they looked at the stages of names and sought the ascents of the Night Journey, and they imagined it to be the greatest status sought and the most noble state in which the Almighty Truth intends and desires. So He led them on the sparkles and flaps of truthfulness and fulfilled them with what They saw him from his signs and his characteristics, and that is because the gaze was to the north and the innate nature of the perfectionist upbringing corresponded with her face at the origin of the position to the point of the circle, so bisecting her face on the right side was veiled, and on the western side she was uncovered. If she had traveled to the right, she would have attained from her first blink the position of empowerment in witnessing the designatio

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I said, “I know, O eloquent one.” He does not speak and asked about what he knows, because of what I had attained in faith and descended upon him in the presence of Ihsan. He took me down in his sanctuary and showed me his sanctuary, and said, “I only multiplied the rituals out of a desire to be consistent. If you do not find me here, you will find me here, and if I am hidden from you in a gathering, I will appear to you in Mina.” Although I have informed you in other positions than yours and have referred to you more than once in some of your speeches, that even if I am veiled, it is a manifestation that not every knower knows except those who have knowledge of the knowledge that I have encompassed. Do you not see me appearing to them on the Resurrection in a form other than the one they recognize and the sign, so they will deny it? And from it they seek refuge, and from it they seek refuge, but they do not realize it, but they say to that sickle, “We seek refuge in God from you.

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He extended the oath, and I accepted it, and I received the image that I adored, so it transformed for me into the image of life, so it transformed for him into the image of death, so the image asked for the pledge of allegiance to the image, and she said to her, “You have not improved your conduct.” She withdrew her oath from her and said to her, “I did not know for her in the world of martyrdom, but it is.” Then he transformed for me into an image. Sight

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