The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Thus some people made it recommended and some made it obligatory, and it is what we mentioned that prayer is invalidated by the lack of this characteristic, and by which I say that prayer is valid and they are disobedient, as for the first row

Ford The authentic hadith on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about competing for him, then he said about it, then they could not find anything but to draw lots for him, so they would draw lots for him.

He means casting ballots. As for compromise, they called for one state with the truth, which is prayer, so he was equal in this call. Among His servants, let their character therein, if they come to what He has called them to, be straight lines, because the one who calls the group does not call the group except to speak to them in the sense that they are an equal group, and no one is singled out over the other. They must be equal and balanced in the line, with no one in the

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The inner images and aspirations of the worshipers should be equal in their proportion of turning to God Almighty and sincerity to Him in that worship to which He has called them in terms of what they are praying. And when God chose one of them, He named him an Imam to address him on behalf of the group with what He would like to give to the group, and He made him like an interpreter between His hands and between their hands, facing their Lord, so the group must remain silent, listen and wait for what comes back to them from their master through the mediation of that imam. This is why it was stated in the hadith of Jabir that the imam’s recitation is sufficient on behalf of the group, for he is the one whom the truth has brought forward for monologue, so since the imam is what is meant on behalf of the group and the Sharia commands that they follow him. In everything he does that is prescribed for him to do, they must listen and follow the example of everything the imam does in hi

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As for compactness in the row, it means that there is no gap between a person and the next person from the beginning of the row to the end, and the reason for that is that the devils fill that gap with themselves, and they are in a position of closeness to God Almighty, so they should be in close proximity to one another, such that nothing remains between them. A defect that leads to each one being distant from his companion, so the treatment between them due to the defect is the opposite of what they called for regarding the quality of closeness, so that defect and relief are interspersed with hostility from God due to the distance between the two men in the row during prayer, so they are deprived of the mercy of the closeness that the praying person has in the row according to the defect and the level of that. Satan is from being far from God. If you put shoulders together, the defect will be closed, and the attribute of being far from God will not find a place to take it, becau

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For this reason, the people of religion and goodness and those who are concerned with God should be chosen for the imamate, even if they are little in knowledge, they are more deserving of the imamate than the heedless scholars, because what is meant by the praying person is to be present with God, so he does not need the knowledge of the praying person in terms of what he is praying except to know that he is in the hands of his Lord, communing with Him with what May God make it easy for him to recite His Book and nothing else, so he does not care about what he lacks in knowledge when he prays. Even if the praying person brings in his prayer allegiance and issues of divorce and marriage, there is no difference between him and the one who is heedless of his prayer, but rather he is with God in terms of what is before him in a special act of worship. He invited him to it, making forbidden to him inwardly what was forbidden to him outwardly. Just as he should not turn his face in a w

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