The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Pure sparkling water that is easy to drink, and these are the sciences of correct ideas and minds. The sciences of the mind that are learned from thought are subject to change because they are according to the temperament of the thinker who is among the wise because he only looks at tangible, universal materials in the imagination, and based on such things their proofs are based, so their articles differ in the one thing. Or the opinion of the one observer on the one thing differs in different times due to the differences in the mixtures, mixtures, and combinations that existed in their origin, so their opinions differed regarding the one thing and in the principles upon which they build their branches, and the legitimate, divine, earthly knowledge is of the same taste, even if its flavors differ, then what differs in what is good is good and what is best is good. Purely anything like it is turbid because it got rid of the rule of the natural mood and the influence of sources in i

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So if you use the water of these sciences in your purification what I have shown you, which is the legitimate knowledge, your qualities and spirituality will be purified by it just as you purify your organs with water and clean them. The first of your purification is washing your hands before putting them in the vessel when you wake up from the night’s sleep, without disagreement, and it is obligatory to wash them from the day’s sleep, unlike the hand is the place of strength. And the act of spending means purifying them with knowledge. There is no power in the left hand and there is no power except in God, the Most High and Great, in the right hand. The hands are the place of grasping and holding. They are miserly and stingy, so their worry is purified by extending and spending, generosity and generosity. And the sleep of the night is your heedlessness of the knowledge of the Knower of your unseen, and the sleep of the day is your heedlessness of the knowledge of the Knower of yo

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Then after this, cleansing and cleaning the two, and combining them together is better than singly, as they are two purifications, light within light, desired by the Sunnah and the Qur’an. If you cleanse yourself, which is using water to purify the two sleet, because of the harm it causes to them, and they are the place of concealment and fasting, just as they are the place of expelling the impurity and harm that resides within you, which is what is related. Inwardly, from bad thoughts and misguided suspicions, as stated in the Sahih that Satan comes to a person in his heart and says to him, “Who created such and such, who created such and such,” until he says, “Who created God,” then purifying this heart from this harm is what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him: “Seeking refuge” and “stopping it,” and they are both private parts. They tend towards what he whispers to himself regarding the slanderous matters in religion, both root and branch.

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If this person performs ritual ablution and does not cleanse himself, then know that this is the purification of the imitator, for the Jamarat is the congregation, and the hand of God is with the congregation, and the wolf does not eat to the furthest one, which is the one that has moved away from the congregation and departed from it, and that is in violation of the consensus. Istajmar means gathering stones, the lowest of which are three, to the strings above them, because the string is By God, the Witr will continue to be your witness, and the Witr is a request for revenge, and here is the doubt that Satan has cast in your faith, so you collect stones to purify yourself from that evil that resides in the organ. If the imitator finds doubt in himself, he flees to the group, the Sunnis, for the hand of God is as it came with the group, and the hand of God is His support and strength, and the Messenger of God forbade God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, expressed his sepa

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