The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The highest brick of gold was missing, and in the next row a brick of silver was missing, and I saw myself imprinted in the place of those two bricks, so I was the eye of your fig. The two bricks were complete, and the wall was completed, and nothing was left in the Kaaba that was missing, and I was standing looking and knowing that I was standing. And know that I am the eye of your two milky fig trees. I have no doubt about that, and that they are the eye of my self. I woke up and thanked God Almighty and said, interpreting it, that I am among the followers in my class, like the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, among the prophets, peace be upon them. Perhaps I will be among those with whom God has sealed guardianship, and that is not dear to God. And I mentioned the hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. May God bless him and grant him peace in his proverbial striking of the wall and that it was that building block. So I narra

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And know that the Paradise of deeds has a hundred levels and nothing more, just as the Fire has a hundred levels, except that each level is divided into levels. Let us mention among its levels what this nation of Muhammad has and what it has bestowed upon all other nations, for it is the best nation brought forth for the people with testimony to the truth in the Qur’an and its definition, and these are one hundred levels. In each of the eight gardens, its image is a garden within a garden, and the highest of them is the Garden of Eden, which is the reed of Paradise. It contains the dune in which people gather to see the truth, the Most High, and it is the highest garden among the gardens. It is in the gardens in the position of the king’s house. Eight walls revolve around it. Between each two walls is a garden, so the one next to the Garden of Eden is only It is the Garden of Firdaus, and it is the middle of the gardens below the Garden of Eden, and the best of them, then the Gard

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And what has singled out this nation of Muhammad over all other nations of these levels is only twelve levels, which none of the nations share, just as

May the peace and blessings of God be upon him, he preferred other messengers in the afterlife through means and opened the door to intercession and in this world. Best that no prophet had given before him, as stated in the authentic hadith from the hadith of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, in which he mentioned the generality of his message, the distribution of spoils, and victory with terror, and the entire earth was made a mosque for him, and its soil was made pure for him, and he was given the keys to the treasures of the earth .

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Then know that the people of Paradise are four types: the messengers, the prophets, the saints, and they are the followers of the messengers with insight and clear proof from their Lord, and the believers, and they are those who believe in them, peace be upon them, and the scholars of the monotheism of God. Indeed, there is no god but Him, in terms of rational evidence. God Almighty said, God bears witness that there is no god but Him. And the angels and those who have knowledge, and these are the ones I mean by the scholars, and about them God Almighty says: God will raise those of you who have believed and those who have been given knowledge in ranks .

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The path of revealing is a necessary knowledge that occurs when revealing it. The person finds it in himself. He does not accept any suspicion with him and is not able to ward it off, and he does not know any evidence to rely on except what he finds in himself. However, some of them said that he gives the evidence and the meaning in his revealing it, for what is not known except through the evidence must be revealed. To him about the evidence, and he used to say in this article, our friend Abu Abdullah bin Al-Kattani in the city of Fez, I heard that from him and he told about his situation, and he was right and wrong in that the matter could not be otherwise than that, for others find that in themselves as a taste without revealing to him the evidence, or that it happens to him through the manifestation My God, they are the messengers, the prophets, and some saints

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The path of thought and reasoning by rational proof, and this path is less than the first path, for the one who looks into the evidence may be struck by fatal suspicions in his evidence, so he undertakes to uncover them and search for the truth in the matter sought. Then there is a third path, for these are the people of knowledge who bear witness to monotheism.

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