The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The Most Merciful and saved from His grief, and whoever deviates from that and falls into any of these sins with a single word, or has a change of heart, or doubts about any part of his religion, will remain a thousand years in heat, worry, and torment until God decides for him as He wills.

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Then the creation is led into light and darkness, and they remain in that darkness for a thousand years. Whoever meets God, Blessed and Most High, does not associate anything with Him, and no hypocrisy enters his heart, and he does not doubt anything regarding his religion, and he gives the truth from himself and speaks the truth, and is fair to people. From himself, he obeyed God in secret and in public, was satisfied with God’s decree, and was content with what God had given him. He came out of darkness into light in the blink of an eye, making his face white. He was saved from all the gloom. And whoever disagreed with any of them remained in gloom and worry for a thousand years. Then he emerged from it, his face blackened while he was in... It is God's will to do whatever He wants.

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Then the creation is led to the pavilions of reckoning, which are ten pavilions, and they stand in each pavilion for a thousand years. The son of Adam is asked at the first pavilion of them about incestuous matters. If he has not fallen into any of them, he may go to the second pavilion and ask about desires. If he has escaped from them, he may go to... The third pavilion is asked about disobedience to parents. If he is not disobedient, he may go to the fourth pavilion and be asked about the rights of those to whom God has delegated their affairs, about teaching them the Qur’an, and about their religion and their discipline. If he has done so, he may go to the fifth pavilion and ask about what his right hand possesses. If he has been good to them, he may go to the sixth pavilion and ask. On the rights of his relatives, if he has fulfilled their rights, he may go to the seventh pavilion and be asked about family ties. If he is a relative of his relatives, he may go to the eighth pa

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Then they will be gathered to take their books, with their faith and their trust, and then they will be imprisoned in fifteen stops, each of which will be for a thousand years. In the first stop, they will be asked about alms and what God has imposed on them in their wealth. Whoever pays it in full will pass to the second stop, and will be asked about speaking the truth and forgiving people. He pardoned, may God forgive him, and it is permissible to go to the third position, and he is asked about enjoining good, and if he is enjoining good, he is allowed to go to the fourth position, and he is asked about forbidding evil, and if he is forbidding evil, he is permissible to the fifth position, and he is asked about good character. If he is of good character, he is permissible to the sixth position, and he is asked about love in God and hatred for the sake of God. If he loves for the sake of God and hates for the sake of God, he may go to the seventh position and ask about forbidden

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Then people will continue to read their books for a thousand years. Whoever is generous and has given his money for the day of his poverty, need, and need, will read his book, and it will be easy for him to read it, and will be clothed with one of the garments of Paradise, and crowned with one of the crowns of Paradise, and will sit under the shade of the Throne of the Most Gracious, safe and secure. And if he is stingy, he will not give his money for the day of his poverty and need. He gave him his letter with his left hand and cut off the pieces of fire for him. He will resist over the heads of creation for a thousand years in hunger, thirst, nakedness, anxiety, distress, grief, and disgrace, until God Almighty decrees in him whatever He wills.

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Then people will be gathered to the scales, and they will stand at the scales for a thousand years. Whoever has the balance outweighed by his good deeds will win and be saved in the blink of an eye. And whoever has a light balance of his good deeds and his bad deeds will be heavy will be imprisoned at the scales for a thousand years in grief, worry, grief, torment, hunger, and thirst until God decides on him whatever He wills.

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