The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And in places far away from people, if the beasts become comfortable with him and become familiar with him, and God speaks to him regarding him, whether they speak to him or not, then he should isolate himself from beasts and animals and desire to God Almighty not to occupy him with anything else, and he should persevere in hidden remembrance, even if he is one of the memorizers of the Qur’an. So he will have a portion of it every night that he will perform in his prayer so that he does not forget it, and does not make too many vows or vowels, and so that his preoccupation will always return to his heart. This is how his habit and habit will be.

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As for silence, it means not speaking to any creature of the beasts and insects that accompanied him during his travel or in his place of isolation, and if one of the jinn or the highest assembly appears to him, he closes his eyes to them and does not occupy himself with talking to them, and if they speak to him, if the answer is imposed on him, he will respond in proportion to the fulfillment of the obligation. Without more, and if it is not imposed on him, he should remain silent about them and be busy with himself. If they saw him in this state, they would avoid him and not confront him and hide from him, for they knew that whoever is distracted by God from being occupied with Him, God will punish him more severely, and as for his silence in himself from talking to himself, he does not talk to himself about anything. Of what he hopes to gain from God in what he has been interrupted, it is a waste of time in what is not achieved, for it is one of wishful thinking. If he accustom

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As for hunger, it is a reduction in food, and one does not eat anything except as much of it as will support his core to worship his Lord in his obligatory prayers. Performing voluntary prayers while sitting, with whatever weakness he finds due to lack of food, is more beneficial, better, and stronger in achieving what he wants from God than the strength that he obtains from food to perform voluntary prayers. Standing, for satiety calls for curiosity, for when the stomach is full, the limbs become overwhelmed and act in curiosity, such as movement, sight, hearing, and speech, and all of these interrupt it from what is intended.

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As for staying up late, it is caused by hunger due to the lack of humidity and fumes that bring sleep, especially drinking water, because it is all sleep and its lust is false. The benefit of staying up late is being alert to always work with God on what is in the works, for if he sleeps, he is transported to the world of the isthmus according to what he slept on, no more, so he misses out on much good that is not He knows it only in the case of staying up late, and if he adheres to that, staying up late will spread to the eye of the heart and the eye of insight will be cleared by adhering to the remembrance, so he will see as much good as God Almighty wills, and in the attainment of these four, which are the basis of knowledge for the people of God, and Al-Harith bin Asad Al-Muhasibi paid attention to them more than anyone else, and they are knowledge of God and knowledge. The soul, knowledge of the world, and knowledge of Satan. Some of them mentioned knowledge of desires instea

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As for the five hidden secrets, the righteous woman Maryam bint Muhammad bin Abdoun bin Abdul Rahman Al-Baja’i told me, she said, “I saw in my dream a person who was making promises to me in my events, and I had never seen anyone of him in the world of senses.” He said to her, “You mean the road.” She said, “Yes, by God, I mean the road, but I do not know.” With what she said, he told me five things, which are trust, certainty, patience, determination, and honesty. She presented her visions to me, so I told her: This is the doctrine of the people, and the discussion about them will come, God Almighty willing, inside the book, for they have chapters of their own, and likewise the four that we mentioned also have chapters of their own in the second chapter of this book, by God. He speaks the truth and He guides the path. End Part Twenty-Six

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The science of signs is bringing you closer and farther away *** and its path in you is ta’wib and attribution

So search for it, for God has made it *** for those who do it are heretics and atheists

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