The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And also gifts of knowledge*** from the investigator in Al-Buls

God has a people who have no soul in themselves .

And they are the ones who are concerned about them. *** The people of scenes in the dark .

The caliphs saw them in the unseen *** and in the testimony like raindrops

God raised their station *** In the surah recited, there is frowning

In it there are secret parties*** So search and do not embezzle.

Whoever has knowledge of it *** in his situation will not be miserable .

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Know, may God support you with the Holy Spirit, that the men of this chapter are the ascetics whose piety was the reason for their asceticism, and that is because the people were greedy of gain, in the strictest manner possible from the commandments of the Sharia, so whenever something occurred to them in their souls, they abandoned it, acting according to

> His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “Leave what doubts you for what does not doubt you ”

And his saying: “Consult your heart ”

And some of them said, “I have not seen anything easier for me than piety.” Everything that moved me about something I abandoned. Until God gave them signs by which they knew what was permissible from what was forbidden in restaurants and other things, until they rose from the signs to breaking their customs in the thing they were hesitant about, so they used it, so those who had no knowledge of that thought that they had committed what was forbidden, but it was

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But some of them, or most of them, were unable to prevent the people in his presence from speaking out of curiosity and what did not concern them, so this embarrassment also led them to asceticism among people, so they preferred isolation and cutting off from people by taking seclusions and closing their doors from people’s intent to reach them. Others began to travel in the mountains, the reefs, the coasts, and the depths of the valleys, so God spared them. From His name, the Most Merciful, with different aspects of familiarity with Him, He gave them that same breath of the Most Merciful, so they made them hear the remembrance of stones, the murmur of water, the blowing of the winds, the chirping of birds, and the praise of every nation of creatures, and their conversation with Him and their greetings of peace upon Him. So He comforted them from their loneliness and returned in a group and creation. They had no speech except in praise or veneration or mentioning divine blessings.

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And among them are the spiritual jinn who sit with him, but he is lower in rank than the group if he has no condition other than this, because they are close to humans in curiosity and intelligence among people. He who flees from them as he flees from people, for their sitting with them is very bad and rarely produces good, because their origin is fire, and fire is. A person who moves a lot, and whoever moves a lot, curiosity is quicker to him in everything. They are more likely to tempt their companion than people, for they have gathered with people to expose the private parts of people that a rational person should not be aware of. However, human beings do not prefer sitting with them in arrogance, and sitting with jinn is not like that. Of course, they prefer in their companions to be arrogant towards people and towards every servant of God, and every servant of God who sees himself showing compassion towards others is arrogance, for God hates it in himself from where he does n

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