The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Ibn al-Abar said that a group of scholars and worshipers met him and learned from him. Others said that he came to Baghdad in the year 6 and <8 , and he was blessed with virtue and knowledge, and he was mostly in the ways of the people of truth, and he had great experience in sports and struggle, and he spoke on the tongue of the people of Sufism, and more than one person described him as advanced and in status among the people of this matter in the Levant. Al-Hijaz has companions and followers, and among its authors is a collection that includes dreams in which the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw and what he heard from him, and dreams that he narrated on the authority of those who saw him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi narrated on the authority of the sheikh, the author, that he used to say that he memorized the Greatest Name and said that he knew alchemy through the method of revelation, not By earning money, Ibn al-Najjar said abou

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O white pearl of divinity *** you have assembled shells of humanity.

The ignorance of simple things is due to their misery *** and they competed for pearls and rubies

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My reality was concerned with *** and my sight did not see it.

And if he had seen it, tomorrow*** that poplar would have been killed.

So when I saw it***, I became aware of the sight

By God, he did not dominate me *** The guarded summary

How beautiful she is than a gazelle *** she grazes with the same donkeys

If she rings or turns *** human minds are captivated

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> As if her breath *** Perfume musk notes

As if she were the morning sun ** * In the light or like the moon

If it travels, h

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