The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

To me from it and be satisfied with God’s oath, for whoever leaves this world and is satisfied with God’s oath, he leaves and God is satisfied with him, and whoever God is pleased with him will go to Paradise. O Abu Hurairah, he passed by what is right. And he said about what is wrong, he said, “How do I enjoin what is right?” and about what is wrong, he said, “Teach the people good and instruct them in it.” And when I saw someone who commits disobedience to God Almighty, and you are not afraid of his whip and his sword. It is not permissible to pass him by until you say to him, “Fear God, O Abu Hurairah. Learn the Qur’an and teach it to people until death comes to you, and you are like that.” And if you are like that, the angels will come to your grave and pray over you and ask forgiveness for you until the Day of Resurrection, just as believers make a pilgrimage to a house. God Almighty, O Abu Hurairah, meet the Muslims with a fluent face and shake their hands with greetings, if

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