The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And it was not something mentioned that came down to you and you are the best that has been sent down to it. Oh God, teach him his proof and follow him to his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and confirm him with the firm saying, for he lacked you and you dispensed with him. He bore witness that there is no god but God, so forgive him and have mercy on him and do not deprive us of his reward and do not test us after him. Oh God, if he is pure. Pay his zakat, and if he is wrong, forgive him, O Ali. And if you pray over a woman’s funeral, say, “O God, you created her and you gave her life, and you are her slave, knowing her secrets and her publicity. We have come to you as intercessors for her, so forgive her and have mercy on her, and do not deprive us of her reward and do not test us afterward.” And if you pray over a child, say, “O God, make him a ancestor for his parents, and make him an asset for them, and make him a treasure for them.” Guide him, and make him li

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A man said to Dhul-Nun, “By God, I do not love you.” Dhul-Nun said to him, “If you know God, God will be sufficient for you. And if you do not know Him, then ask someone who knows him so that he can guide you to God and you learn from him to preserve the sanctity of your master and in The meaning of what Dhul-Nun said and recommended is what agreed to us with our friend Abdullah Ibn al-Ustadh al-Moururi, and he was one of the great righteous people. He had a brother who died and he saw him in a dream and said to him, “What has God done to you?” He said to me, “Admit me into Paradise. I eat, drink, and have sex.” He said to him, “Not about this. I ask you, have you seen your Lord?” He said, “No one can see him except those who know him.” He woke up and rode his animal and came to us to Seville and informed me of the vision. Then he said to me, “I have come to you to introduce me to God.” So he stayed with me until he knew God to the extent that a hadith narrator can know him th

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It was said to some of the scholars, “Hosanna,” and he said, “Beware of associating with people who pretend among themselves to be deceitful in their speech, and they flatter with deceit in speech, and their hearts are full of deceit, jealousy, deceit, envy, pride, greed, greed, hatred, enmity, and deceit. Their religion is fanaticism, their belief is hypocrisy, their actions are hypocrisy, and they choose the desires of this world, wishing to live in it forever.” Teach them that they have no way to do that. They collect what they do not eat, build what they do not live in, hope for what they do not realize, earn what is forbidden, spend in sin, withhold what is right, and commit evil.

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We narrated on the authority of Yusuf Ibn Al-Hussein, who said, “I said to Dhul-Nun at the time I was leaving him from a meeting with him. He said, ‘You should be in the company of someone whose sight God Almighty reminds you of, whose prestige falls on your insides, who increases his logic in your work, who makes you renounce his work in this world, and who does not disobey God as long as you are near him.’” He admonishes you with the tongue of his actions, but he does not admonish you with the tongue of his words, and he neglects what he shows you to do, that is, he is devoid of virtues, because a man may be performing an act of righteousness that his situation requires, and he guides you with his speech to an act of righteousness that your situation requires and that his situation does not necessitate at the time, so what he means by his words is through the tongue of his actions, that is, his actions are upright, and this is The meaning of the words of God Almighty: Do you

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Jesus, peace be upon him, said, “O Children of Israel, know that the likeness of your world and your hereafter is like the likeness of your east to your west. Whenever you move toward the East, you are farther from the West, and whenever you move toward the West, you increase from the East. ”

After he instructed them with this proverb to bring them closer to the afterlife by good deeds

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Some scholars advised, saying, “Beware of becoming one of a people who rebel, and in their transgression they become blind. They do not hear the call and do not answer the supplication. You will see them turning away, turning away from the Hereafter, on their heels reclining, and on this world, they are thrown down, struggling like dogs gnawing on a carrion, exhausted .”

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