The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The lights are also in the positions of the stars, so their perception is proportional to the levels of their lights, so the levels are distinguished by the distinction of the lights, and men are distinguished by the distinction of the levels .

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Among the men who arrive are those who have no knowledge of this position or the divine names, but they have access to the truths of the prophets and their groups. When they arrive, a door to the groups of the prophets is opened for them, in proportion to the deeds they were doing at the time of the conquest. Among them are those to whom the truth of Moses, peace be upon him, becomes clear, and he is Musawi. The scene, and among them is someone to whom Latifa Isa appears, and so do the rest of the messengers, so he is attributed to that messenger by inheritance, but in terms of the law of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, which was established from the law of that prophet to whom he appeared, this relative finds that he was fulfilling in his work that necessitated its opening, from the aspect of its outward or inward aspect, the law of an earlier prophet. Such as God Almighty’s saying, “Establish prayer in remembrance of Me,” for that is from the law of Moses and

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Knowledge of things is one science *** and the abundance is in the known, not in itself .

Al-Ash'ari believes and claims that *** is multiple in itself and its attributes.

The truth has rejected what he said *** even if it is from his thoughts and gifts.

The truth is more glamorous than it is hidden that it is *** united in its eyes and characteristics .

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God Almighty said: “And you have not been given knowledge except a little.” Our Sheikh Abu Madyan used to say, “If someone recites this verse, we give him what is little, but we give him what is ours. Rather, it is on loan from us, and much of it we have not attained, for we are always ignorant.” From this point, Khidr said to Moses, peace be upon him. When he saw the bird that fell on the edge of the ship and pecked in the sea with its beak, do you know what this bird said about its peck in the water? Moses, peace be upon him, said, “I do not know.” He said, “O Moses,” this bird says, “My knowledge and your knowledge are not less than the knowledge of God except what my beak lacks in this sea .” /p>

What is meant by this is information, not knowledge, for if knowledge were multiple, it would lead to the introduction into existence of what is infinite, which is impossible, for information is infinite. If every known thing had knowledge, what we said would be necessary, and it i

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