The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And your palm has not achieved what *** you want to disappoint the questioner .

If your action in his matter *** was like the action of a cautious and dignified boy

you would distinguish between me and the one *** who makes truth clear to you as falsehood

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God Almighty says: And you see people drunk, but they are not drunk. That is because God has a people whose minds were obscured by the deeds they were doing that God Almighty assigned them in His Book and on the tongue of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to dispose of them legally and legislate for them, and they had no knowledge that God God Almighty suddenly revealed the Truth to the one who was alone with Him in His secret and obeyed Him in His command and prepared his heart for its light from where he did not perceive it. Then the Truth suddenly came upon him despite his heedlessness of that and his lack of knowledge and preparation for a tremendous matter, so he went with his mind in the two directions, and God Almighty kept that matter that had suddenly come upon him witnessed, so he wondered about it and went with it, so he remained in the world of his testimony through his Spirit. An animal eats, drinks, and acts upon its animal necessities, like an an

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And these are the so-called rational madmen, by which they mean that their madness was not caused by a corruption of mood due to a cosmic matter such as food, hunger, or anything else, but rather it was due to a divine son of their hearts, and suddenly from the surprises of the truth, it came to them and took away their minds, so their minds are confined to Him, enjoying His witnesses, reveling in His presence, reveling in pleasure. In its beauty, they were people with minds without minds, and they were known on the surface as crazy people, that is, those who are hidden from the control of their minds. That is why they were called sane crazy people. Abu Al-Saud bin Al-Shibl Al-Baghdadi was said to be the sane person of his time. What do you say about the sane crazy people among the people of God? He said, may God be pleased with him, he is a sailor, and the sane ones among them are more salty. It was said to him, “So what do we know about?” The truth is crazy than others, so he sa

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And if they changed at the time of sudden revelations, then we know

That when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came suddenly with a revelation, I was terrified by him, so he came to Khadija, trembling, and he said, “Zoom me, zum me,”

And that is from the manifestation of an angel, so how? And when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came to him and the faithful Spirit descended upon his heart, he became distracted from his senses and whimpered, just as a camel desires until it is separated from it, and he has realized what he had brought to him, so he delivers it to those present and conveys it to the listeners.

The presence of him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one of the manifestations of his Lord over his heart, greater influence than the arrival of an angel at a time when no one but his Lord could help him, but he was waiting and prepared for that terror, and despite this, it is take

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Know that people in this position are in one of three categories. Among them are those whose incomings are greater than the strength they have within themselves, so the incoming one rules over them, but the condition overwhelms them, and in their judgment they are distracted by the condition and have no control in themselves as long as they are in that state, but if they continue in that state until the end. His age is what is called in this way insane, like Abu Aqal al-Maghribi. Among them are those who retain their mind there and their animal mind remains on them, and they eat, drink, and act without planning or deliberation. These are called rational, crazy people because they eat a normal life like all other animals. As for someone like Abu Aqal, he is crazy, completely taken away from him, and this is why what he ate and what he drank. When he was taken until he died, and that was within a period of four years in Mecca, then he was insane, i.e., hidden and free from the knowl

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