The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God has said regarding good and bad: Whoever does a good deed will have ten times it or more, and whoever does a bad deed will only be rewarded with the like of it. And I forgive some people after recompense and before recompense other people. It is necessary to forgive everyone who is extravagant against himself, even if he does not repent. Whoever fulfills this commandment knows the relationship between... Human origin and kingship, and that the origin is one, just as our Lord is one and has the corresponding names, so existence was in the form of the names.

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Persevere in the word of Islam

Which is your saying: There is no god but God, for it is the best of remembrances because of the increase in knowledge it contains. And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said the best of what I and the prophets before me said: “There is no god but God”

It is a word that combines negation, affirmation, and division exclusively, so what this word contains is not known except those who know its weight and what it weighs, as stated in the report that we mention in its indication, so know that it is the word of monotheism, and monotheism is not comparable to anything, for if anything were similar to it, it would not be one. Or if it were two or more, then what weighs it, for nothing weighs it except the equivalent and the similar, and then the similar and not the equivalent. That is the obstacle that prevented “There is no god but God” from entering the scale. The majority of scholars believe that polytheism, which is the opposit

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Then know that God has not placed in the generality except the best things, the most beneficial, and the heaviest in weight, because He compares with them many opposites, so there must be in that which is placed in the generality a strength with which it counteracts every opposite, and this is something that no one who knows among the people of God can comprehend except the prophets. Those who have legislated for people what they have legislated, and there is no doubt that

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said the best of what I and the prophets before me said: There is no god but God.

And he said what his virtue was indicated by those who claimed to be specific. The remembrance of the word of God is God, and it is He, and there is no doubt that it is among the sayings that there is no god but God that are better than those according to those who know about God, so you, my guardian, must remember the constant in general, for it is the most powerful re

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And beware of hostility to the people of There is no god but God, for it has general guardianship from God, so they are God’s friends. And if they err and commit sins nearly as great as the earth, not associating partners with God, God will grant them forgiveness similar to it, and whoever

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