The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So he called for the barber to shave his head, so I shouted to him, O Abu Al-Ma’ali, and he said to me immediately before I spoke, “I am pure. I understood about you.” I was amazed at his presence, the speed of his understanding, his consideration of the place, the clues of the circumstances, and what he knew of me in that regard. So I said to him, “God bless you, and by God, I was not healthy with you except to be.” On purity and remembrance when you parted your hair, so he prayed for me, then shaved his head. And people like this have overlooked. Rather, they say, “If you disobey God in a place, turn away from it,” because they fear for you. If the spot reminds you of disobedience, you will consider it permissible, and you will add sin to sin. They only mentioned that out of pity, but they missed great knowledge, so obey God in it. And then Turn away from it and combine what they said with what I commanded you to do. Whenever you mention a sin you committed, repent of it as a re

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