The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And lack, because if they had not been poor, He would not have given them the right. He blocked them with it, made them tired of it, and commanded them to perform what they are obligated to do with regard to His rights, and the rights of those who have a right to it, such as zakat and other things. They did not stand with the principle, which is their poverty. Rather, they said, “When God imposed zakat on their wealth, this is the brotherhood of the jizyah.” And where is it? If God had given us of His bounty, we would certainly have believed us and would have been among the righteous. So when He gave them of His bounty, they were stingy with it and turned away, turning away, and saying what we have mentioned. So they were followed by hypocrisy in their hearts until On the day they meet Him because they broke their promise to God, and because they were lying. If they had remained steadfast in what He gave them the truth and did not ask for an increase, He would not have given them

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And from that

Hate is linked to time, and if it has passed *** then thank God with thanks when it has passed

And know that he has a right over you if *** and the one who was hated before has died

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He said: If the owner of the time treats his time in the way that is due to him, and fulfills his rights, he is free from abhorrence in it. If his concern in his time is attached to what is outside of his time, then he is in his time a person of abhorrence because he is occupied with the non-existent rather than the present, and politeness is only with the present, so much so that if he is polite to the absent person, he will not be polite to him in terms of He is absent, but he is polite with his name when he mentions, and if he mentions the absent person, his name is present in the utterance of the mention of him, and politeness only occurs with a present person, for the mentioned person is the one who is remembering him with the mention, so do not concern yourself with what is out of your time, for you will be among those who hate time, and those who hate time, for that is the abhorrence of God, so beware.


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And from that

What joy is followed by joy*** Whoever thinks of it like this rejoices

With it, God has told us truthfully about the harm that will follow it

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He said, if he knew of a special joy that souls would rejoice in, then God does not like joy in that joy, and he mentioned the Almighty’s saying, “God does not like those who are happy,” so we learned that he was happy about a specific matter, so his joy was returned to joy because of that, so he was saddened by his joy in proportion to his joy. If it was great, his sadness would be greater, even if it was less than that. Sadness and sorrow were enough for him. Then God commanded His servants to rejoice in God’s grace and mercy, not in the money that He accumulated, for He left it with death in this world and did not advance it. So He commanded you to rejoice in grace and grace in excess of that, but He is also the one who created virtue, so He gave virtue to His creation, and it has no appearance except in you, so praise God. Where He has made you a subject of His grace and mercy, so rejoice at His command. Beware of joy and you will reap the fruit of performing your duty in joy .

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And from that

The truth makes me sick if they turn away*** I wish someone would make me sick

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He said: It is not permissible to turn away at all, for there is no way to go. Rather, what is permissible is restricted turning away, including what is reprehensible, and it is the most severe disease that affects the hearts. He said: Turning away from the verses that the Truth has prescribed is evidence of unfairness and following evil desires, and it is a fault from which its owner cannot be cured after it is established until they show him the fault. God, unless He expects it, in that case He wants to use medicine, so it is of no use, like repentance when the sun rises from the west. It is of no benefit to a soul whose faith has not believed before or earned good through its faith. And faith at the onset of calamity and at the time of death and certainty of separation. And he said, turning away from God is inconceivable, and so is turning away from creation. Absolutely unimaginable, so what is the difference?

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And from that

If the purposes are carried out by the soul, then *** diseases will follow them, if the soul is possessed .

And every generous person who does not attain it will suffer from the presence of Jerusalem .

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