The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He seeks the Divine in Himself, and to Him the whole matter is returned. He is the goal and from Him the whole matter began, and for this reason He brought return, because there can be no return except from the emergence of a precedence, and all created beings did not come into existence except from God, so for this reason their rulings return to Him and did not remain with Him. Rather, it is called returning because It occurred to creation to see the causes, which are veils in the eyes of the observers. They continue looking and penetrating the causes from cause to cause until they arrive at the first cause, which is the truth. This is the meaning of return. And from that is the one who brings about something, a matter, and the companion creates a mention of it. He said, “Every matter that causes astonishment is due to its companion who brought it into being.” It is surprising that he did not create him in this state except to make a mention of this person who was amazed at him,

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Man is hasty, and if he were to seek anything other than haste, he would not be able. And there is nothing in the world that cannot be astonished at. All existence is a wonder, so God must mention it to those who wonder. For those who know, God has created a mention of it in this world for them, so they know what they were created for and what He created for them, and the common people know the truths of these matters in the afterlife. Knowledge is essential, which is to induce dhikr

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And among these types of reliance is only for those who are fooled.

Do not rely on anyone other than God, for no one relies on anyone other than Him except the one who is ignorant of Him .


Glory be to Him, may He be glorified and exalted, to grant him *** in his kingdom a partner other than the one who abandoned him.

Whoever says that he has a rival and a companion *** then his Lord with the will of ignorance has killed him

By God, the sun has neither risen nor set *** On a lover of his, except that he connected him

with what he wanted and what he desired of distortion *** except that he enclosed him in a masterpiece and connected him

Glory be to Him, may He be glorified and ex

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Among that is what is meant by seeing negligence while making an effort

My intention in negligence *** was only what I realized in turning up

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> So that the oppressed will see that I have taken care of *** the one into whom I blew my outgoing breath

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