The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The understanding of the sultans in the form of slaves is known to the highest assembly. There is no one other than humans and jinn who does not say by his virtue, except for some of the great ones, for envy prevents them from doing so .

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So the classes of youth are what we mentioned, those of them who know God’s knowledge of the movements, and those who do not know, God’s knowledge of that, based on the specification, even if he knew that there was a matter that God did not inform him of. As for their status, it is what we said at the beginning of the chapter in his saying, “Then He made after weakness strength, and see.” In addition to this finding of divine truths, there is another sign, which is His saying, “Indeed, God is the Sustainer, the Possessor of Power, the Sustainer.” They treat creation with kindness to them despite their being abusing them, such as God giving sustenance to those who are provided for and who disbelieve in God and His blessings. They have the greatest power over their souls, since their whims do not overpower them, nor the love of praise and gratitude that the soul has developed. And recognition

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The Almighty said: We heard us, and he remembered them. That is why they returned to themselves, which is the Almighty’s saying, “And this is Our proof that We gave Abraham against his people in every situation.” But that was called a lie by adding the verb in the world of words to the greatest of them, and the greatest is God in truth, and God is the one who broke the idols with the hand of Abraham, for it is his hand with which he strikes. This is what he told about himself, so he broke this. Idols that they claimed were their gods. Do you not see the polytheists saying about them, “We only worship them to bring us closer to God?” So they acknowledged that there is a great God, greater than these, just as He is the best of creators and the most merciful of the merciful. This is what Abraham, peace be upon him, said. It is true in the contract of Abraham, peace be upon him, but the polytheists made a mistake in that They did not understand about Abraham what he meant by what he s

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Among the fatwa is the Almighty’s saying, “And when Moses said to his girl,” he gave him a meaning in the Hebrew language that is expressed in the Arabic language as “a young man,” and he was in the service of Moses, peace be upon him. And Moses at that time was the guardian of the door, for he is the legislator in that nation and its messenger, and every nation has a special door. My God, their legislator, is the guardian of that. The door through which they enter to God Almighty, and Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the one who veils the veil due to the generality of his message, to the exclusion of all the other prophets, peace be upon them. They, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, veiled it from Adam, peace be upon him, to the last prophet and messenger .

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But we said that they obscured him

Because he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Adam, and whoever is below him is under my banner ”

They are his deputies in the world of creation, and he is an abstract spirit who knows that before his body is created. < /p

It was said to him, “When were you a prophet?” He said, “I was a prophet, and Adam was between water and clay.

That is, Adam did not exist yet until the time of the appearance of his purified body, may God bless him and grant him peace, arrived, so there was no ruling left for any of his representatives from all the other divine veils. They are the messengers

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