The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By attaining the knowledge of Al-Barzakh, he has distinction and criticism, and to Him belongs the matter before and after. And on that day the believers will rejoice in God’s victory as their Imam, their master, and their scholar rejoice. And political knowledge is for those in power. Every president is a mastermind, as evil as he is, and we will not be the best nation brought out to the people. As if he was our Prophet, may God bless him And the master of the children of Adam was greeted without doubt or ambiguity. He is in us and we are in him, so pay attention .

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And from that is the secret of the specification of the types of blessings to the days, from Chapter 25. Every patient who is dear to him, if you remind him of the days of God, you will approach him in the manner of attention, and only the sleeper will pay attention, and no one will wake him up except the one who is responsible for every soul for what it has earned. Indeed, the days have grown from sources of blessings, because they are the ones that come with the types of generosity in time. Hafiz, because he has containment and through him the declination and equalization, and because of his capacity, he possesses the four seasons. Time rules in the pillars by the succession of the colors that bring about the two events. Pictures occur and pass, conditions worsen and pass, days revolve, stars rise and set, days and plurals, years, and months whose conjugation determines the events of the ages. The day is night and day, the month is right, full moon, and the year. Repetition of F

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And from that is the secret of symbols and treasures from Chapter 26 Symbols of Advice Treasures of Interests The adviser, when he has spent time, is an adviser, and working with interests is the hallmark of every righteous servant. Did you not see how he erected the wall, for it is among the interests of young orphans, and he did not ask for a reward for that, rather he said, “Is there a remembrance of his to you?” When he told him The Kalim submitted to him and rebuked what he disapproved of, so the deceased servant was fair and confessed and said to his friend: “Each one of us has knowledge that the other does not know.” And here he stopped, and when he realized his superiority over him, he handed over all the matters to him .

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And from that is the secret of the shadows’ prostration in the morning and the evening from Chapter 27. The shadows refused to prostrate to the sun because of the honor it is of the soul, so they turned away in these times and extended, prostrating to Him in whose hand is the kingdom of the earth and the heavens, when those who claim to be empowered prostrated to them, and they worshiped those who claimed to be sober-minded, and when She saw the shadows seeking to see the sun shine upon them so that she could look at them. They shrunk and contracted, seeking their origin to show their virtue. The sun did not see them as an eye that they would enslave with their light due to their quick repulsion. Had it not been for the care of the origin, this virtue would not have been valid for them .

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And from that is the secret of the conditioning in the winter and the summer from Chapter 28. The Lord does not know in the hole except he who knows the first and the afterlife. He whose outer part is summer and his inner part is wintering, and he combines where and when, and he whose outer part is wintering and his inner part is a summer house, let him be content in both cases with the middle, and they are among the conditions of conditioning. How is the condition? Bodies and places of illusions are common to the unbeliever, and he has in the simple things a certain period and a time of moderation that has no disappearance .

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Among that is the secret of the Ahl al-Bayt’s purity from death, from Chapter 29. Holy, Glory be to Him, the Lord of angels and the spirit. He removes impurities and protects from the evil of the deceitful whisperer. The death of ignorance is the worst death, and God has protected the Ahl al-Bayt from it. No one can value them with their true value except those whom God has informed of their affairs, and whoever has knowledge of them has relied on them. It is the greatest support and the most reliable pillar of intention, so hold on to their love for Al-Aqbi, for he, peace be upon him, did not ask from us except affection for our kin .

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And from that is the secret of the rider, the rider, the one standing, and the one sitting from the door 3 and < For the rider is the desert, and for the rider is the journey and flight, and for the one standing is spending, and for the sitting one is attachment. So whoever rides does not stumble, and whoever watches does not stumble, and whoever stands sleeps, and whoever sits, wretched. O people of the riders, your work is in disgrace. O horses of God, mount and follow the path of my doctrine. O you who are in charge of souls with moral and tangible sustenance, exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience, and O those who sit with truth in the seat of truthfulness, beware of deception and exhort one another to be thankful. God has not permitted marriage to four people except for their possession of the greater status, and if not for the capacity that is in the four, it would not have included the ten described as perfect for one who considers that to be a perfe

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And from that is the secret of the principles in the chapters from Chapter Thirty-One. If it were not for the straightened chapters, the dark houses would not have been on fire. If it were not for the chapters, the borders would not be made clear. The principles with the divided chapters appeared. Compassionate and dissatisfied with separation. The Lord is distinguished.

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