The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What he created is like God Almighty’s saying, “And We will certainly test you until We know.” If it were not for the Qayyumiyah prevailing in the soul, the letters would not have appeared. And if it were not for the Qayyumiyah appearing in the letters by virtue of its rule, the words would not have appeared by composing them. Rather, we have brought this as an example that is verified and real for the existence of beings from the essence of truth. So know that, and it has been mentioned previously in Chapter on the soul from this book, and know that on the night I was bound to this face, I saw in my sleep a leaf of a verdigris color that came to me from the truth, written on the front and back in a hidden handwriting that is not visible to anyone. So I read it in my sleep by the light of the moon, and it contained poetry and prose. I woke up before I finished reading it, and nothing I saw was more wonderful than it or He blinked at his glance and could hardly understand it, so fr

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Existence is linked to the existence of truth*** and we are all happy and blessed in it

The one whose concern for existence is *** is the existence that is linked to goodness.

If I had what he had, I would have said it *** But I am broke, so we stipulate

Like Moses' condition upon him when he sent him *** to the mighty ones from their Lord who despaired

So he came from them empty-handed, and his intentions were not disappointed, but they were fair.

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Its owner is called Abd al-Wajid al-Jim, and he is the one against whom nothing rebels, and he is the one who is rich in things. If he asked for something and it was not what was desired, that is, it did not happen, then he was obstructed by him, for nothing rebels against him. An example is a request from Abu Jahl to believe in the oneness of God. And by His Messenger and by what came from him, but he did not respond to what he asked of him, so what is apparent from his denial is that he is not present for what he asked of him, and the prevention was from him, since he did not grant him success, and if he wished, he could have guided you all, so he is the Existent, but if the will is attached to his being, then nothing is impossible for him, he says to him, “be.” So if he said For faith, be in the place of Abu Jahl and others who did not believe, and he addressed him with faith. Faith would have been in the place of the one being addressed, Abu Jahl and others, so his being found

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