The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The name is given to the servant, and if the Truth gives it to him, then that belongs to Him, the Most High, and man is bound by his servitude and the names specific to him that were never given verbally to the Truth in what He revealed to His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. When God Almighty revealed this verse to His servant Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, he would know people with it, so God narrated from His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, what he had to say and pronounce, so God Almighty made it a Qur’an to be recited, since that was one of the characteristics of slaves in the same matter. Then God Almighty said, “Indeed, my guardian is God, who sent down the Book, and He takes charge of the righteous, so He bears witness to His righteousness, if the truth is the narrator.” In this verse, even if he is a commander, then he is one of those who are attested to be righteous, so we know that God took care of him and told us that Go

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If the guardian descends, then there is nothing but *** ascension and ascension to height

For the truth has no restrictions *** For in the eye of the nucleus is the eye of nearness

So the condition of Al-Mujtaba in every situation *** is sublimity in sublimity in sublimity

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Know, God has supported you with a spirit from Him. God Almighty said to Satan, “Prostrate to Adam,” so the command appeared in him, and he said to Adam and Eve, “Do not approach this tree,” so the prohibition appeared in them, and the obligation is divided between a command and a prohibition, and they are interpreted as obligatory until they are removed from the position of obligation by a circumstantial context, and if our doctrine regarding them is suspension, then it is determined. Complying with commands and prohibitions, and this is the first command that appeared in the natural world and the first prohibition. We have informed you that the first thought is the first and that all firsts are only divine. That is why you believe and never err, and its owner is certain of it, for his authority is strong. Since this was the first command and prohibition, therefore the punishment was imposed upon violation and he was not given any respite. When the commands came, By intermediarie

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