The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Or _ _ It was incorrect *** I am the weak and humiliated


Robustness is a condition that no one knows *** except the one who is important And they found their meanings

And the power of God has made it clear to our observers*** and its rule is eternal among those who suffer from it

If I tighten it with my corner, it will be first for us, and if it is my eye, then it is second.

Indeed, the risings have revealed their crescents*** For those who look at it in its buildings

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Its owner is called Abd al-Mateen. God Almighty said, “Indeed, God is the Sustainer, the Possessor of Power.” He raised the word “strong” on the attribute due to His saying, “Dhu, and He,” and “Al-Mateen” is the One who does not falter from what He must remain in due to His strength and weight. So He pointed out to the eye that it has this quality of strength, lest someone imagine or someone say that the images When they changed and differed in manifestation, and the divine names when they increased and varied, and each name indicated a meaning that no other form has, and each form gave something that the other form did not give, the eye and the object were changed due to this change, so it was reported that it is solid, such that the matter is as it was decided, and it was seen from the change and change, and the eye is fixed in its position. We do not accept change, and the greatest thing that appears in the ruling of this is in beliefs about God, because if the God who believed

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Hazrat Al-Nasr, Hazrat *** for the one who has been transgressed

He is To God alone *** nothing belongs to him other than what he has

And also

Indeed, the guardian who, when he takes care of him, is a servant who takes care of him Lord when governors

The guardian is an active noun that has *** from its word as a subject if he takes charge of it.

If it were not for Him, its principles would not have been established in us *** nor would any desire have been established, had it not been for Him.

My hope is for the one who recites it. A wall *** in the ears of my universe when he dictated it

In the heart, my Lord wrote it so that we ma

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Its owner is called Abd al-Wali and al-Wali al-Nasser, and if you wish, you can say Abd al-Nasser. The Almighty said, “God is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light, and He is the light of sight and He is the source of certainty.” And God Almighty established an excuse for what He warned of by saying in the completion of the verse: “And those who disbelieve, their guardians are the tyrant.” Their madness, and I do not single out the tyrant because of his desires Different, and He singled out Himself because He is one. They bring them out from the light into the darkness, so these saints support them, since they do not let them enter Paradise because of the harm they suffer in it, because they are in a mood that is harmed by moderation, just as the winds of roses are harmed by the camel, so they support their companions, and none are except the people of Hell who are its inhabitants. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, informed and sai

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