The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then He made for us a power that is not independent. Power, in reality, is not visible to an eye except by the totality. It is the One with power because it is necessary to exist for itself and we are obligated to it, not by ourselves. Even if He created us from weakness, He made in us a power, without which it would not have required us to act or leave, because abandonment prevents the soul from acting. In its desires, and with this, the power has spread to action and abandonment.

We are in it equally, *** without slander or dissent .

But he is the basis of my existence *** and his permanence in it

Because he is destroyed by affairs *** He is on the path of annihilation.

And when God made gray hair a light with power here and indeed in the hereafter, and He linked gray hair with the weakness to which we returned, to show

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