The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whenever I say, “A messenger from Him has come to me, seeking my question”

I was lost in amazement at him and said, “Anisi *** You, by God, if you come to my mind

Indeed, I was sent to the Beloved in magic *** with what I brought. The news is true

And I said: If you know what I am saying*** Whoever witnesses love, rise up in my wake.

When I witnessed you, O one without resemblance *** there is no difference to me between concealing and looking

Revealing foretells About existing secrets *** about what is seen in the sun and the moon

Insights have enriched me with their truths *** about what the Lord of Revelation sees with sight

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Its owner is called Abd al-Ba’ith. God Almighty said, “It is He who sent among the illiterate people a messenger from among them, and He said, “And God will raise up those who are in the graves.” And He said, “And We will not punish until We send a messenger.” And He said, “The day God will raise them up.” From this presence, he sent the messengers, sent down the books, and gathered the people after announcing them, then sent them From this presence to their homes, they populate it from Paradise and Hell, each according to his work, so he sends them and is sent to them, for the sending does not cease in this world, the afterlife, and the barzakh. However, the messengers are diviners who only walk among kings, not among subjects, but rather they address leaders and divines. The sending from God only sent them from His being a king to the speaking souls. His servants, because they are the rulers of the cities of their temples and their subjects, their apparent limbs and their hidden

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