The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In desiring some people and censuring them for that, he said, “This is the Hereafter abode, We assign it to those who do not desire exaltation on earth.” And by the Hereafter abode we mean here Paradise, in particular, without Hell, We assign it to those who do not desire exaltation on earth, whether that desire obtains for them or not. He wanted it. And what happened in their souls What remains is for it to happen in the souls of others who have been named for it on earth, and those who know God do not want elevation on earth because it is acquired elevation, and they do not want what is called gain. Rather, they want what their own souls require in terms of what they witness from those who lacked it in their own existence, so they have no view except to it and not to it. Because it is forbidden for himself, I mean looking at it, which is the thought in itself, so what gives elevation to this presence is happiness, not arrogance. The elevation that this presence gives for the sak

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