The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I have placed love for him in a heart of good manners, and the ruler of the situation came to hate him.

He came to you today empty-handed, asking you *** for a loan to be doubled by the one you lend it to.

And I said, O the utmost of all hopes *** You may one day It is good that you encourage.

I introduced him to the books that come to him. Perhaps one day he will see the truth and reject it .

So he will call its author in the highest assembly. Abdul Khafid

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Know that existence is divided in itself into that which has a beginning, which is the occurrence, and into that which has no beginning, which is the ancient, so the ancient is the one that has precedence, and the one that has precedence has elevation, and the occurrence has delay, and whoever is delayed has a decline in the elevation that the ancient deserves due to its advancement, for the preceding has Disposition in all presences, because there is no rival to him who confronts him and does not compete with him, and he sees the ranks and takes the high from them, and the new one does not have that disposition in the ranks, for he sees the old as being ahead of him in existence and acting and attaining the position of exaltation, and whatever descends from him is lowering, so he has no disposition except in the presence of lowering, so if he wants the truth. That he disposes of it in the manner of a modern one descends to it, and if he descends to it, he is judged according to i

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