The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

You lend to God whatever loan He asked of you, and you know that He only asked of you to return it and double it to you in terms of whomever you give it to from among the creatures. Whoever lends to any of God’s creation has only lent to God, and there is no goodness in a loan unless you see the hand of God holding that loan. Other than that, then you will know that it is in the hand of the One whom You made that, and He is the Generous Protector. As for his grasping what he grasps to indicate it, it is like the shadow grasping it to identify you with you and with itself, because the shadow did not come out except from you, and if it were not for you, there would be no shadow, and if it were not for the sun or the light, there would be no shadow. So the matter is between you and Him, as we decided in existence, between divine power and acceptance. It is possible that no matter how high one of them rises, the created existence rises. Likewise, if the bright eye and the dense body p

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The wise man does not rejoice in his abundance *** unless God gives him good tidings

On the tongue of a truthful and uplifting *** and an accuser whom God knows

For he is truthful in his saying *** for him when glory gathers him

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> Do not doubt the truthfulness of His message *** because it is known to God.

Do not You say like what he said from *** he said when he was told what it is

what it is and then it is unknown*** so rejoice, for the One is God < /p

Its owner is called Abd al-Basit. It has a ruling and influence in ancient and modern times. Whoever pleases God has withheld His wrath and extended His mercy, and God withholds and extends

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So He has the right to rule over His servants in these two presences, except that the situations differ, so the expanses differ due to their differences, and the circumstances differ, so the expanses differ due to their differences. As for the place of this world, if God had extended the provision to His servants, they would have transgressed in the earth. Then He sent down in an amount whatever He willed and released for him in Paradise the expanse because it is not a place of hardship and cannot be counted. For God has removed the burden from their chests, so the servant by following the Messenger, by which I mean the divine law, and standing within its limits and ceremonies, with the politeness that he should use in that following, affects the Holy Spirit’s love in this follower, so God loves him, and if he loves him, he is pleased with him. So the condition of the servant in this world when the truth is revealed to him is that It stands with good manners in expansion, and it i

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