The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The message is for all people in the Arabic language, so it permeated every tongue, so its law was transmitted in translation, so it pervaded all languages. As for the middle conquest, it is the conquest of tastes, and it is the knowledge that the scholar attains by practicing it in attaining it, just as the knowledge of the Criterion is for the pious, for he attains it by fearing God, with what is added to it of atonement of bad deeds and forgiveness of sins, and this is Knowledge is specific to the people of the path, who are the people of God and His special ones, and it is the knowledge of conditions, and if they are talents, they are only given to someone who has a special quality, even if that quality does not produce it in this world for everyone, but it must be produced in the afterlife, and since it is not a condition of its production in this world, it was said in The knowledge of conditions is that they are gifts, which is that they come from taste, and the meaning of t

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Science is what is required by sight *** so look and think, for thought is important

If it were not for the sciences that are in the universe, they would not have appeared *** The thoughts of the one who is considered in things

He is the Imam whom his Creator knows *** And the star knows him and the sun And the moon

was like Joseph when they fell down in prostration and His judgments concerning them by God passed away, so consider

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Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!